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The big moves in October skies


We have lots of important movements in the skies in October 2022 which will progress, agitate, as well as settle some key issues we’ve been working on for months and even the last 18 months.

The maxed out retrograde planet situation will begin to dissipate in October to the great relief of us all. At least in October Mercury, Saturn and Pluto turn direct.

To look at this in context of your own chart and life events is not only fascinating, but also helpful insight to make the most of these chances at resolution and forward movement. There IS a plan!

Retrograded price - specials for October readings

To celebrate October, and also nod respectfully to the increased costs of living we’re all managing, I’m offering a retrograded pricing special for readings held from 1-31 October.

Current energies reading - $140 (from $190)

Current energies reading with full personalised report - $250 (from $345)

Email me to book directly.

Or if you like looking at your chart, dig it out and see if any of these signs and degree points look strong for you, in which case you are up for more substantial growth.

What's on the agenda for October

3 October – Mercury goes direct at 24º Virgo after retrograding since 10 September from 9º Libra.

3-6 October – THE BIG ONE! A very significant transit for us all wraps up major themes of 2021 when we have the final Saturn-Uranus square at 18º Aquarius/Taurus, with both planets in retrograde so the energy is more internally felt.

These squares have been radically disrupting the world and our lives since they kicked off with exact squares in 2021 in February at 7º with both planets direct, June at 13º with Saturn retrograde so Uranus was stronger, and December at 11º with Uranus retrograde so Saturn was stronger.

The 18º Aquarius point exactly squared the conjunction of Uranus, Mars and north node conjunct at 18º Taurus (so the same signs involved in the 3-6 October square of Saturn and Uranus, same degree point too, wtf!) on 31 August/1 September, an extremely active line-up. What happened then for you?

There’s even more emphasis on this point when Saturn goes direct at 18º Aquarius on 23 October. Where is this point in your chart, as it’s had the wazoo whipped into it bringing real change over 2021-2022? Clarifying your theme brings priceless self-development insight.

These hectic squares and 18º point activations see us break out of old habits that have become too restrictive and make creative changes to the structures of our life. These periods have brought a crisis in consciousness that ideally leads to awakenings and breakthroughs, but can also bring breakdowns along the way... this is where it is so important to keep moving rather than descending into any breakdown.

On the global scale it’s these Saturn-Uranus squares that are greatly behind the disruption and unpredictable changes around the world we’ve seen in 2021 to now, with an emphasis on the tension between security and freedom. These energies rise up civil unrest against disproportionate reactions to events, particularly against structures that seek too much control. Although the game continues, the final square 3-6 October brings a level of resolution to a certain leg of the whole transformation.

Remember, top level of why Covid situation has arisen is to push the evolution of consciousness towards a galactically-destined era of unity for all those willing souls. The cosmic tides have turned, it is beyond the little wills of men. Whether we go forward as part of it is up to each of us.

8 October - Pluto stations direct at 26º Capricorn, having retrograded back from 28º Capricorn. Pluto leaves the retrograde zone on 29 January 2023 at 28º Capricorn, so watch for events around then that can clarify and settle matters you were dealing with through this retrograde.

17 October - Post shadow Mercury retrograde ends at 8º55 Libra. Keep an eye out for anything which may clarify and settle this Mercury retrograde’s purpose for you.

23 October - Saturn goes direct at 18º Aquarius... there’s that 18º point again in Aquarius, it has been hugely hit up since end July 2022, and 3-6 October. Where is that for you? It’s important, where you’re making a long-term stable commitment based on true self worth which has been hard won but very beneficial to realise.

Since 4 June at 25º of Aquarius and ending 23 October at 18º Aquarius, we’re all put through a Saturnian bootcamp on a foundational area of life where we have more maturing to do. See my article -

25 October - Solar eclipse at 2º Scorpio, which will urge us to transform death’n’rebirth style in a moment of growth we’ve been waiting for. This will connect to the themes of the more macro Taurus-Scorpio major transformation we’ve all had underway since November 2020 with the series of seven eclipses and the movement of the south and north node through these finance-related signs.

28 October - Jupiter re-enters home sign of Pisces while retrograding back from Aries. The planet of expansion, Jupiter, started off 2022 in spiritual dreamy Pisces. It entered Aries on 10 May and stays there until 28 October when he retrogrades back into Pisces, to respirate whatever we had on the boil that seemed to simmer down since 10 May.

Then, Jupiter moves back into Aries from 20 December until 16 May 2023 when he enters Taurus to bless those vibes for a year or so.

Jupiter turns direct 23 November at 28º Pisces, right as we have a new moon at 1º Sagittarius. As Jupiter rules both these signs, this is a very positive time for expansive and lucky new beginnings, especially in the areas of your chart this points are placed.

30 October – Feisty Mars turns retrograde in Gemini, so our communications and ways of thinking get a good rethink. We are pushed to find more assertion and courage in how we communicate and think. In retrograde we may be more passive as Mars is somewhat weakened, but it’ll end up showing us how and where we need to get more bolshy by the time it ends on 12 January 2023.

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